Our News items
Reduced school opening due to self-isolation, by Miss Keith
PSCL Whit Holiday Courses - places increased from 15 to 20, by Miss Keith
Week of Action: 24th-28th May 2021, by Miss Keith
Near miss outside school - Please drive & park considerately, by Miss Keith
PSCL Whit Holiday Courses, by Miss Keith
Covid testing at home, by Nichola Keith
It's time to collectively pull up our socks!, by Miss Keith
Afterschool Clubs go LIVE @ 12.30pm TODAY for SUMMER, by Miss Keith
School Uniform Reminder, by Miss Keith
NEW! Summer Menu available from 12th April 2021, by Miss Keith
School Calendar 2021-2022, by Miss Keith
Social Media WARNING, by Miss Keith
THANK-YOU!, by Miss Keith
Girls...Fancy a game of Cricket?, by Miss Keith
And here marks the end of Lockdown school!, by Miss Keith
Celebrate good times, COME ON!, by Miss Keith
Don't take your foot off the pedal - just yet!, by Miss Keith
Encouragement of further reading at home - Book Collection, by Miss Keith
PSCL Alphabet Fitness Challenge, by Miss Keith
PSCL Active @ Home Week 3, by Miss Keith
Making the Most of Life with Limits - Coping with Covid, by Miss Keith