Broadstone HallPrimary School


Our governing body is well represented from all parts of the community; including parents, teachers and other professionals.

We are active and well informed about the school’s work. Our members work hard to keep abreast of developments and challenge ideas in our role as critical partners. The focus at every meeting of our governing body is to ensure equality of opportunity for every pupil and tackle any form of discrimination. We are committed to the school ethos and seek to ensure that all children and staff feel valued and are encouraged to fulfil their potential.

If you wish to contact a governor in the first instance please contact the school office.

"The New Headteacher, along with governors and other leaders, knows what the school does well and what it needs to do better.  Staff appreciate the support that leaders give to their workload and well-being.  Parents and carers appriciate the care, guidance and support that leaders afford their children."

Ofsted Report September 2022

Being a Governor is challenging and can take up a lot of time but is also very rewarding. At the moment our Governing Body is has a number of co-opted roles vacent. If you are interested in being a Governor of Broadstone Hall please email [email protected] with brief details about what you can offer our school.

Our Governing Body acts as the ‘critical friend’ of the school. It is made up of volunteers from all areas of the community, who meet regularly to discuss important aspects of running the school. As Governors, we are always welcome into school and try to get involved as much as we can so that we are familiar with the curriculum and the way that the school operates on a day to day basis. We do this so that we can identify what the school is really good at and what areas we could improve.


Helen Drury - Chair (Safeguarding Governor)

Laura Thomas - Vice Chair

Martyn Taylor - Headteacher

Martin Glynn - Health & Safety

Louise Sinnott - Finance & Resources

Vicky Dansey - Co-opted Governor

Faye Bond - Standards and Curriculum

Miriam Bridgehouse - Parent Governor

Joe Gregory - Parent Governor

Elisabeth English - Staff Governor

Nicky Boyle - LA Governor

Amy Paterson - Clerk 

Jane Rogers  - Associate Member (Deputy Headteacher)



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Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916