Broadstone HallPrimary School

About Us

Background to Broadstone Hall Primary School

Broadstone Hall is a large primary school situated north of the town centre just off the A6 corridor. Pupils come from a wide variety of social and economic backgrounds and the pupils have opportunities to mix with children from different cultures to their own. Broadstone Hall is a popular school within the local community. 

At our last Ofsted inspection in 2022, the school received a judgement of “good” in all areas.

The school increased its admission number to 75 pupils from September 2012 and this continued until September 2018 when the school had 75 pupils in most year groups from Reception to Year 6.

Currently the school has 20 classes. The current number on roll in September 2024 is over 500, including Nursery. 

As well as our class teachers we also employ specialist staff to provide French, PE, and Forest School sessions. We also employ a range of Cover Supervisors, Teaching Assistants, Special Needs Assistants and a Family Liaison Worker to ensure that pupils not only have access to academic achievement but also equality of opportunity.

Extended services

The school offers a range of extended services and this has had an impact on pupils’ experiences and outcomes. For example, pupils have performed at The Manchester City Stadium, The Plaza Theatre and Stockport Town Hall and have represented Stockport for many years in the Greater Manchester Games.

A range of specialist providers, along with school staff, are used to ensure quality provision and using Pupil Premium funding, many activities are subsidised. Payment for after school activities is cashless using a system called ‘ParentPay’. The school has a well-established Breakfast and afterschool provision.  The Hub.


At Broadstone Hall Primary School, we will ensure that children and young people:

 • are well cared for, healthy and able to make healthy choices

 • feel safe and secure

 • enjoy learning and reach their full potential

 • make a positive contribution and feel valued

 • recieve services that are well planned and organised around the needs of children, and make best use of available resources

These needs require the removal of barriers to learning, not the removal of the child. This helps to shape a positive view for all children and to reinforce the simple message that they are, first and foremost, just children.

We believe all pupils and parents should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, and opportunity to make the greatest possible progress irrespective of background, gender, ability, ethnicity or disability.

We will do all that is reasonably possible to ensure that all our children receive the support that they need to achieve at our school.

What Makes Our School Special

Our School Council wrote some statements about what Broadstone Hall Primary School means to them, we hope that you enjoy reading them.

Broadstone Hall is special because all the teachers are kind and all of the children make this our school. We have lots of equipment which is very lucky and we have lots of clubs so everyone can have fun and have a good time.

Another reason is that we have lots of resources for break times and lots of resources to help us in class such as number lines or information on the walls.

Broadstone Hall is special because there are lots of opportunities for everyone. It is also special because we have circle time to share our feelings about school. I think this is an amazing school with teachers who are fun and teach cool lessons!

Broadstone Hall is special because we all have different abilities and the staff are very kind and respect us. The way our teachers help us learn is very well planned and they make sure that all of us understand.

They understand that some of us have difficulty learning some subjects, and they try hard to keep us safe. We try our best in every lesson and make sure that we are respectful.

Broadstone Hall is special because there are a lot of activities; the people are very caring so no-one is lonely. We also have a lot of clubs that are fun and the teachers are fair so nobody is ever sad.

The teaching is outstanding and everybody gets cleverer throughout the year. Broadstone Hall is the best school I think because of the fun we have and the education we receive.

Broadstone Hall is special because we have a great big school full of respectful kids ready to learn every day and having the resources we have is amazing, like the muga pitch; not many kids get to experience things like that.

Our cover assistants and teachers are always there to help us and that’s why I think it is a caring, respectful and co-operative learning community.

Broadstone Hall is special because the teachers make the work fun and all the children are caring, respectful and co-operative. They help people if they are lonely and they always give us a helping hand.

Broadstone is also special because you can do dance, football, basketball, hockey and dodgeball.


Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916