And here marks the end of Lockdown school!
A MASSIVE THANK-YOU goes out to Kerry Foster from Primary Sports for lifting our spirits weekly with our Zoom discos; in January & February they were pretty much the ONLY thing to look forward to on a Friday.
To all the teachers who have worked tirelessly, to enable our remote learners and keyworker children work simutaneously during this time.
To the TA's and support staff who have prepared & printed home learning packs to supported our remote learners and called you relentlessly offering support, guidance and sometimes just a chat to say well done!
To everyone behind the scenes, including all our cleaners who have kept us safe.
And once again, as always to Mr. Langley and the Senior Leadership Team for guiding us through yet another lockdown.
Lets hope this is the last one! Have a great weekend!
See you all Monday 8th March...Tuesday 9th March for the Year 1 keyworker bubble who have to isolate one more day!