Reduced school opening due to self-isolation
Dear Parents and Carers, I am so very sorry to be writing this update for you.
On 13/05/21 I was informed that two children have tested positive for Covid 19. This has affected our Y6 IM class and our Y4 NOH class, but no others.
I have worked with Public Health England to identify those staff and students who have had close contact with these members of our community. These contacts and classes have now been identified and informed, and will be staying at home for 10 days until Sunday 23/05/21 and can return to school on Monday 24/05/21.
We have had no further positive results in the school at this time but If this situation changes and our provision for your child needs to be adjusted then we will communicate with you separately. I am aware that any changes to our provision may be frustrating for you with regards to childcare arrangements and attendance at work but I am sure you will agree, this is a serious matter and it is essential that our school only provides face to face lessons when it is safe to do so.
What happens next?
We will be writing to parents/carers of children, who are unable to attend, with home learning information. I will update you of any further developments as soon as possible. I am currently in liaison with the Local Authority, their health and safety team,
the Director for Children Services and the Director for Public Health as well as Public Health England. I can reassure you that the school has adhered to all safety guidance and is compliant with Gov.Uk recommendations for being open during the pandemic.
Thank you for your understanding in this very difficult time.
Simon Langley
Broadstone Hall Primary School