Encouragement of further reading at home - Book Collection
As an means of encouragement for further reading at home - we would like to invite parents to come and collect a couple of new reading books for their child, at their relevant book band.
Should you have any school books at home that you have finished with, these can be returned at the same time.
A timetable has been attached.
Parents should come to the hall entrance via the car park at the front of the building at their relevant time, respecting social distancing measures and wearing a face mask upon entering the building. A member of staff will then facilitate the collection of books.
Parents in KS1 can also collect handwriting books. These will be very useful because KS1 teachers are going to increase the number of handwriting activities over the next few weeks of remote learning.
Wednesday 10th Feb
Nursery and Reception - 11.00-12.00
Year 1 - 1.00-2.00
Year 2 - 2.00-3.00
Thursday 11th February
Year 3 - 10.00-11.00
Year 4 - 11.00-12.00
Year 5 - 1.00-2.00
Year 6 - 2.00-3.00