FOB Christmas Card Project is here again!
To help raise much needed funds for school, FOB are once again organising the popular Christmas Card Project. It is cheaper than buying individual "Merry Christmas Nanna," "Grandad," "Aunty," "Uncle" cards!!! And they are unique & personal! Much better than shop bought!
Your child’s artwork can be made into Christmas cards, wrapping paper and gift cards for you to purchase in time for Christmas! This year we are asking your child to draw a festive picture AT HOME.
You will receive your instructions home in the next couple of days if not already.
Please have your child/children complete the artwork and then order it online with the unique code that will be provided to you.
If you do not receive one, the Office has some spare ones that you can collect.
You will need to submit the drawings to school no later than FRIDAY 5 NOVEMBER for us to be able to send them off to be scanned and printed.
Late artwork cannot be included in the project, sadly.