Welcome back to EVERYBODY!
We missed you yesterday! It's been a higglety pigglety sort of week so to save confusion & delay, tomorrow is Thursday!
It's WORLD BOOK DAY TOMORROW!!!! Yes! Tomorrow.
Don't forget to get your tickets for the WBD Discos:
***EYFS/KS1 FOB WBD DISCO @ 5-5.45pm
***KS2 FOB WBD DISCO @ 6-7pm
£3 payable via Parentpay
Small Business Support DEADLINE Friday 3rd March 2023
If you would like to use School Spider as a platform to advertise your small independent businesses, you need to get your blurb in by Friday so we can get it out in the newsletter.
This is a one time offer, and by no means a school endorsement to any particular businesses, simply a chance to let other parents know who you are!
If you like to be involved let me know:
· The name of the business
· A brief summary of what you do
· Your contact details to [email protected]
Please do NOT send info for Uncles, Aunties, friends businesses - this is purely to help OUR PARENTS.
Depending on the response and how long it takes to put together, this could be used as a printable that you could stick on your fridge as a point of reference.
DISCLAIMER: As a school, we cannot validate or endorse these adverts. Any business entered into is between yourself and the company and done so at your own risk. Thank-you