We are ready for you! We are so ready! Do you want to see?
This is it! After 11 & 1/2 weeks of waiting, we are ready to welcome back many more children to school starting from tomorrow - and wow, are we ready! We are SO ready - its exciting!!!!!!
Everyone, EVERYONE, has worked tirelessly to make sure that school is a safe, clean, socially distanced environment but still friendly & nurturing. Yes it will be different - but its going to be okay! You have us - and we have you. We've got this!
So...do you want to see? We have uploaded videos and photos of all the classrooms and outside areas on the school website. Please look under ACTIVITIES TO SUPPORT WORKING AT HOME >>> Videos of classrooms ready for our children to return.
Please show these to your children that may be returning over the next few days to reassure them.
Thank-you for all your kind words and letters of support over the last 11 weeks. We have an amazing school that we are so proud of and a fantastic school community!
I for one, CAN NOT WAIT! Can you tell?! So. See those Reception and Key Worker with booked places coming back tomorrow.
Please check your individual letters stating your child's specific start date:
Reception - Wednesday 10th June
Year 1 - Thursday 11th June
Year 6 - Friday 12th June
Nursery - Monday 15th June
Key Workers - ONLY turn up to school if you have a PRE-SECURED place. Without a confirmation letter from school, a place for key worker children CANNOT be guaranteed.