We are Dreamers - Dreambox Exhibition @ Stockport Gallery
We are Dreamers - Dreambox Exhibition @ Stockport Gallery
Over the course of 3 weeks, a group of year 3 & 4 pupils developed a range of dream boxes inspired by dreams set in the past, present and future.
The exhibition finishes this weekend 9th February and the boxes will be returned to school Tuesday 12th February to be collected and taken home.
The pupils worked collaboratively and independently with a free choice of materials.
Their final boxes include a range of themes:
- Planet of Mystery - a hotel in space
- School of the Past
- A Shopping Community
- A Candy House
- Back to the Future
- A Fantasy Magic Boarding School
The pupils were enthusiastic and positive about taking part in the project.
"I enjoyed working together with my friends."
"I enjoyed experimenting with ideas and materials."
"It was really fun and I think I got better at Art."
"I enjoyed putting mine and my friends ideas together."
Can you find yours???