Tuesday 23rd April - Back to school! >>> St. Georges Day FOB NON UNIFORM DAY (Red & White theme)
Dear All,
Just giving you all a heads up to put this on your radar as it is the first day we come back after Easter. So could easily be forgotten.
Last day of term next Friday 5th April 3.15/3.20pm
Easter 2 weeks!
End of Easter but we still have Easter Monday Bank Holiday off! Yay!
Tuesday 23rd April - Back to school! 8.55am >>> St. Georges Day FOB NON UNIFORM DAY (Red & White theme.)
It has been on the school calendar for months as St. Georges Day is the 23rd April!
So all you have to do is:
First day: Dress in red & white and bring a bottle donation.
(This can be however big or small, prosecco or bubble bath, red wine or cordial as long as it is in bottle form!)
And it will be a 4 day week!!!!!!
All donations go towards prizes/raffles for future FOB events.