Transition Information for parents 2021/22
Many of the children may be wondering about their next class, but unfortunately due to current guidelines from the Local Authority and Stockport Public Health, we are unable to carry out our usual transition activities. If guidelines change we will organise outdoor meets and circle times in the final week of term.
Staffing Changes
There are several members of staff who will be leaving us this year and we would all like to wish them well in the future.
These include Mr McAlpine, who is leaving us after 16 years at the school to take early retirement. He has made sure that children at Broadstone Hall have had the chance to compete in a huge variety of sporting competitions; many of you will know children who have benefitted from this opportunity.
Mrs Orndal, who is relocating to South Wales after several years teaching at the school. Highlights of her time at Broadstone Hall have included leading the children in taking part in the Big Sing on two occasions at the Manchester Arena.
Miss Calder Jones, who will be taking on a new teaching post in Italy after the summer holidays.
Mrs Greenhalgh, who is retiring after an amazing 29 years at the school as a volunteer and member of staff. She has nurtured our children for almost 3 decades, including some of our parents when they attended as children.
Mr and Mrs Kennerley, who are both retiring and relocating to Lancashire. The Kennerleys have contributed to the smooth running of the breakfast club, school site and the resources of the school.
Mrs Emanuel, who is taking up a new role at St Thomas’ after supporting children in Year 3 and Year 4 so well this year.
Mr Rigby, who is relocating to Bath after working at the school for a year. Mr Rigby has quickly become a part of our staff team and leads the very popular chess club after school.
Mrs Rowe and Mrs Bedward, who have cleaned the school every lunchtime over the past year to keep the children and staff safe.
I would personally like to thank them all for the hard work, support and efforts over the years.
Next year’s Early Years teachers
Nursery: Mrs Fraser
Reception: Miss Eva, Mrs Ainscough/Mrs Worsley and Mrs Raines/Mrs Aaron
Next year’s Key Stage 1 teachers
Year 1: Mrs Heywood and Mrs Rothwell/Miss Morgan
Year 1/2: Mrs Jessop/Mrs Worsley
Year 2: Mrs Keane and Miss Healey
Next year’s Key Stage 2 teachers
Year 3: Ms Biggs and Mr McDonald
Year 3 / 4: Ms Holt and Mrs Nolan
Year 4: Mrs Hudspith/Mrs Charles (formerly Mrs Bull) and Mrs O’Hara
Year 5: Mrs Posner/Mrs Nolan and Mrs Gallagher
Year 5 / 6: Mr Bagguley
Year 6: Mrs Tudor-Barry and Miss Marron.
Transition Information.
From Week Beginning: 28.6.2021
Next year’s Year 3 teachers have met all the Year 2 children.
Reception-year 2 teachers are moving classes to speak to children in lower year groups to introduce themselves to the children they are having next year.
Friday 16th July 2021
Reports sent home with class allocation included
Week beginning: 19.7.2021
Loom videos for parents whose children are moving into Early Years or from Early Years to Year1 or Year 2 to Year 3 (19.7.2021)
Transition activities arranged across Key stage 2 (if guidelines allow) hopefully!
We know that moving from year to year can be difficult for some children and we have also organised opportunities for the teachers to meet children on an informal basis, but we are unable to move children from different classes into a new bubble for next year’s classes at the current time.
As the end of the academic year draws to a close, we would like to thank all of you for your support this year, It has been the most difficult of circumstances: during lockdown, for your patience adapting to new guidelines, for your support with homework and reading, your kind words and appreciation and for everything else that you do to support Broadstone Hall Primary School.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Simon Langley,