The best way to spread Christmas cheer... to sing it loud for all to hear! It’s December! IT IS CHRISTMAS TIME! Belts may be being tightened (not Santa’s!! Ho! Ho! Ho!) – but it doesn’t stop us feeling the festive cheer! There are carols being sung in the hallways and the Christmas trees are up in classrooms; it is time to start getting excited people!
We have a VERY busy diary planned for December, so here's a quick reminder:
***The Christmas Post Boxes are BACK! If your child would like to write any Christmas cards to their friends and teachers, these can be posted in school and distributed by our Y6 Elves at lunchtimes from now until the end of term.
Please make sure the envelopes have a legible:
NAME OF RECIPIENT & CLASS (TEACHER) If they are going to make it!
We will be sending class lists shortly.
***LIVE! FOB Christmas Raffle – tickets via ParentPay
We have yet another year of amazing raffle prizes donated by great local shops and organisations.
Tickets are only £1 each. You can buy multiple tickets and go back for more at a later date if family members also want to get involved!
***09/12/22 @ 9.30am: EYFS Performance - Pears parents only
***12/12/22 @ 2.15pm: EYFS Performance Apples and Reception
(Fruit Salad parents to attend either 9th or 12th - not both)
***13/12/22 @ 2.15pm: KS1 Performance – All Year 1 parents
***14/12/22 @ 9.30am: KS1 Performance – All Year 2 parents
***14/12/22 (AM) Year 3 going to Cinderella Pantomime @ The Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham
***14/12/22 (PM) Reception classes going to Cinderella Pantomime @ The Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham
***14/12/22 @ 5.30-7.30pm FOB Christmas Fair
***15/12/22 (AM) Year 1 going to Cinderella Pantomime @ The Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham
***16/12/22 (AM) Year 2 going to Cinderella Pantomime @ The Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham
***20/12/22 @ ALL DAY Christmas Lunch FOR ALL! & Christmas Party Day
Due to the increased cost of living and ever-growing children; children will be able to wear any kind of party clothes OR Christmas jumpers on this day.
***19-22/12/22 Afterschool Clubs - STILL ON!
***19-22/12/22 The HUB – STILL OPEN!
***22/12/22 (normal finish time) LAST DAY OF TERM
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!