Take care in this weather
Good Morning All,
Its been a while since we have had a catch up, how are you? How awful is this weather? Please make sure your children are well wrapped up with waterproof coats and all hats & gloves are labelled.
We would only ever close the school EXCEPTIONAL circumstances. You would be notified of this via a School Spider message/text and email. An "Emergency Message" would also appear on the school website. If in doubt please check on-line.
With bad weather, comes bad road conditions and more people driving to school. Where possible, if we could ask parents to park further away and walk up to school. The traffic has been much worse recently due to road works in the local area, so please be sure to set off earlier so as not to late for school.
We have had another complaint with the parking issues around school at the beginning and the end of the day. This time from TESCOS, trying to make an early morning delivery to the kitchen. Their staff have been getting penalized for their parking (as the vans are monitor by cameras) due to our parents parking around the dining room block and Bollington Road area.
Once again, we implore parents to be mindful of local residents, other parents and our staff also trying to access the school. All entrances to the school must be kept free for deliveries and staff already within the building.
Keep warm :-)