Summer Reading Challenge 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
As the summer holidays are approaching, we have been talking in class about the importance of continuing to read regularly and the different ways we can read a range of exciting texts.
Using the local library is a great way to access a wide range of books and resources. If you are not already a member of your local library, please try and join and find time to explore what it’s got to offer. It’s a great local resource and best of all, it’s free!
As usual, all Stockport libraries are running their Summer Reading Challenge. If you’ve not tried this before, give it a go as it’s a great way to keep up with reading over the holidays.
Broadstone Hall Primary School, historically have won the Reading Challenge for the number of children participating several years in a row! WE ROCK!!
This year, the theme is Gadgeteers and it would be great if as many children as possible could sign up for this.
More information can be found at:
Children will still be able to access the Purple Mash website over the summer, where there are many books to read and enjoy in the Serial Mash section.
I hope these few ideas are helpful and your children will return to school in September having read lots of books and maintained their enthusiasm for reading.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs Hudspith (KS2 Reading Co-ordinator)