Returning to School in September 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are fully aware there are a number of unanswered questions regarding your child's return to school in September 2020.
With the current climate, Government & LA guidance changing & updating, we have been hanging fire to give you the most up-to-date information without continuous amendments causing unnecessary confusion.
However, we now feel we cannot wait any longer to let you know of plans for September. This information is now available for you to read in full on the school website under News items and has also been emailed to you.
New class teacher names will be sent home with reports on Friday 17th July for children that are in school.
If your child is not in school to collect their reports & their new teachers allocation, these will be available to be collected during designated timeslots from the main hall along with any PE kits & school property left behind from Monday 20th - 22nd July. Your time slot will be allocated to you next week.
Any goodbye presents for teachers & staff must be brought to the Office instead of directly to the teachers to be quarantined before distribution. Please make sure they are labelled clearly.
Any changes will be relayed directly to you.
We thank you for your continuous support & understanding during this ever changing time.