Broadstone HallPrimary School

Return to school survey - please respond via email

Thank-you so much for everyone that took part in the school survey regarding returning to school. We had a great response with over 2/3's of parents successfully taking part! Your comments towards the school & staff were heart warming and we thank-you for your continued support.


If your child's year group is one that has been offered a place back at school week commencing 10th June(Nursery/Reception/Year 1/Year 6) and you missed the survey with your response, please email [email protected] with your child's name/class/Y or N.

Alternatively if you need a keyworker place, please let us know and if possible what days you will need.

We appreciate it is a hard decision dependant on many factor and not necessarily as black or white as Yes or No but we needed to word it this way to gauge the expected figures & make the necessary preparations for re-opening. Be assured that this will happen ONLY if the outcome of the 5 national indicators are met.

If we have not had a response from you before Wed 3rd June, we will presume that your child will continue to be home schooled and look forward to seeing you again in September.

If you are still struggling to reset your password for School Spider, please refer the notes on the website or sent via email.

Enjoy the sunshine!

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Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916