Broadstone HallPrimary School

Reopening of Breakfast Club November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

From Monday 2nd of November 2020, we are aiming to reopening our Breakfast Club provision from 8am. However, due to Covid restrictions, this will have to be a very different service to the way the club has been run in the past. After careful consideration, including a site visit by Stockport LA Health and Safety Team, we have developed an approved plan that allows us to run a reduced service Breakfast Club where the risk of spreading the Covid 19 virus is minimised.

We will be running the Breakfast Club for children from YR to Y6 but numbers will have to be significantly reduced and regulated to ensure that the risk of spread the virus is minimal.

  • We will only be able to offer six places for each year group.  With 7 year groups this is a maximum number of THE SAME 42 attendees every day.
  • Places must be booked & paid for in advance via parent pay with the intention that the child will attend every day for a half term.
  • If they cannot attend for any reason i.e. it is not needed on that day, then the place will not be filled by another child. There will be no refund for non-attendance (unless Covid related.)
  • If your child attends Breakfast club they cannot also attend the Hub after school provision as this would involve them being in too many “bubbles”.
  • If you have any outstanding debt with Breakfast Club you will not be able to book until your debt is cleared.

Places will have to be allotted on a first come first serve basis but we will give priority to parents with siblings in different year groups. Booking will open 19th October 8pm to give all working parents a fair chance to book. Daily costs will be £2.50 (reduced to £1.00 for Pupil Premium) and this must be paid in advance via parents pay, children cannot pay in cash on the day.

There will be seven tables in the room, one for each year group and children will socially distance on each table and from other year group tables. Staff will serve the children rather than them queuing to be served. The club will run from 8:00am to 8:40am, when children will go to their classrooms. The children must be able to follow the rules of not leaving their table (unless they need the toilet) or mixing with children on other year group tables. If they do so, they will not be allowed to attend Breakfast Club and this decision will be immediate and final.

If a child tests positive for Covid 19, and they have had close contact with the children in their Breakfast Club bubble during the 48 hour period before they developed symptoms, then all the children in their Breakfast Club bubble (plus the infected child’s class), will have to self-isolate for 14 days since their last contact. If a member of staff test positive, then all groups that they have had close contact with during the 48 hour period before they developed symptoms, will have to self-isolate for 14 days since their last contact.

We hope that you will be able to support the reopening of Breakfast Club as outlined in this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Langley, Headteacher

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Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD