Broadstone HallPrimary School

Reception Letters & Sounds Meeting

24th September 2018



Broadstone Hall Primary School

‘Letters and Sounds’ Meeting

Friday 28th September 2018



Dear Parents/Carers,


Each week in the Reception class we have a ‘sound of the week’.


The children have been encouraged to look around at home and bring in anything that begins with this sound and put it onto the ‘sound’ table for the week.


This is just a little extra homework but the ‘sound of the week’ will not be the only sound your child will be focusing on that week. We follow a very thorough and fast moving programme called ‘Letters and Sounds’ which supports early reading and writing.


In your child’s reading bag on a Monday you will have found which letter it is for our sounds table.


We will be holding a meeting in Mrs Ainscough’s classroom for anyone interested to see how we teach your child to read and write following this programme and how you can support your child at home.


This will be at 2.30pm on Friday 28th September 2018.



Thanks for your support.

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Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916