Radio Silence
The School internet is down due to a power outage 2 days ago! Teachers have had to go back ye olden times of blackboards & chalk! Children are running around wearing flat caps playing with sticks & hoops! It's all very quaint!
What did we do before computers?
So. LIVE! From an iPhone screen in the Office, here is a quick reminder of things coming up:
*NEW TO THE DIARY: Macmillian Cake Sale Thursday 17th March
Children only - to be held in the playground @ morning break time.
20p per cake/only £1 worth of spends per child. Please send money in change preferably, for swift distribution & service!!!!
We are looking for cake donations PLEASE; Only shop bought (sorry!) however we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL & we need to ensure all cakes are sealed & packaging checked.
(Multiply packs: i.e. Cupcakes & muffins will happily be accepted if packaging is still sealed)
Please can all cakes be donated by Wednesday lunchtime :-)
We will be cranking up the Morse code machine for further correspondence later dot dot dash dash dash dash!
Happy Friday!!!!!!