Proposed change to the Stockport published term dates Academic Year 2018/2019.
Dear All,
There is a letter is coming home to all parents tonight about Proposed change to the Stockport published term dates Academic Year 2018/2019.
The amended dates for the academic year 2018-2019 will be as follows:
End of autumn term - Friday 21st December 2018
Start of spring term - Monday 7th January 2019
This proposal meets with the approval of our Governing Board, however we wish to offer the opportunity for our parents and carers to respond to the proposal.
If you wish to do so, please respond by Monday 16th April 12noon via email: [email protected]
If any families have already booked holidays for the 20th/21st December 2018 please contact the school office as soon as possible.
Please adjust your personal calendars appropriately.
There is a AMMENDED calendar attached for you to print off if you prefer. And a copy of the letter.
The website calendar has also been updated.