Broadstone HallPrimary School

Please order your packed lunches via LunchHound

Don’t forget Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th next week are Inset Days.
We will be open again Wednesday 10th June onwards, for invited year groups on their respective start dates (please check your letters) plus key worker children.

We are one step closer to a new sort of normal returning – there is no denying it will be different but we are looking forward to opening school to more children and seeing all your faces again.

Lunchhound Packed Lunches

PLEASE REMEMBER: Don’t forget to order your lunches via LunchHound/or cancel your Lunchhound via email

All children returning, if you are on Universal Free School Meals (Reception, Year 1 & Year 2) or are entitled to FREE School Meals (applied for online via the website dependent on your income) then school meals will continue to be provided by Taylor Shaw in the form of a packed lunch grab bag.

If your child is currently on a paid school dinner pattern, and would like to swap to bring your own packed lunches from home please just let me know and visa versa.

School packed lunches will include a variation of drink, fruit, biscuit & choice of sandwich.

The sandwich options are:

Tuna sandwich on white or brown bread
Ham sandwich on white or brown bread
Cheese sandwich on white or brown bread

Orders for lunches can be placed via Lunch Hound as usual. PLEASE DO THIS IN ADVANCE.

Lunchtime staff will deliver lunches to the classrooms where children will eat with their group.

Children can bring in their own packed lunches from home as usual, these need to be labelled along with any drinks container that children bring to school.

The dining room and the hall will not be used for lunches during this time to avoid large groups of pupils mixing.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. We will be in touch again on Monday.

Files to Download

Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD