Broadstone HallPrimary School

Please consider Childcare/Support Bubbles before applying for a Critical worker place

You can get informal childcare for anyone under 14 from friends and family you do not live with.

If you live in a household with anyone aged under 14, you can form a ‘childcare bubble’. This allows friends or family from one other household to provide informal childcare.

What a childcare bubble is

From 2 December, childcare bubbles are allowed in all tiers.

A childcare bubble is where one household links with one other household to provide informal childcare to anyone under 14. All adults in both households must agree to this arrangement. ‘Informal’ childcare means it is unpaid and unregistered.

Members of either household can provide childcare in a home or public place. This includes overnight care.

You can only have one childcare bubble with one other household. This means no household should be part of more than one childcare bubble.

You can only use a childcare bubble for childcare. You cannot use a childcare bubble to mix with another household for other reasons.

If you form a childcare bubble, it’s best if this is with a household who live locally. This will help prevent the virus spreading from an area where more people are infected.

How childcare bubbles relate to other types of bubble

A childcare bubble is different to a support bubble and a Christmas bubble. Being in a childcare bubble does not stop you from forming a support bubble or a Christmas bubble.

Support bubble

You might be able to form a support bubble to have close contact with another household. You have to meet certain eligibility rules to form a support bubble. Find out more about making a support bubble with another household.

You must avoid seeing members of your childcare and support bubbles at the same time, unless otherwise permitted by gatherings limits in your tier.

Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916