Our JULY NEWSLETTER is now available!!!!!
Dear All,
The July Newsletter is now available to download from the school website, just look under the main headers of NEWSLETTER >>>> July Newsletter 2019.
We are very pleased to announce that our end of year results in Y6 have improved again this year and we are now broadly in line with, and in some areas above, National Attainment and Progress levels.
We are pleased to announce our relaunch of the children's lunch service, from September 2019 you will be able to pre-order your child’s school meal at home using the new LUNCHHOUND system up to 3 weeks in advance! Details on how to log-on to LUNCHHOUND will be sent out before the end of this term. If your child currently has a packed lunch and you would like to move to school meals please pop into Reception, call or email the School Office.
Our wraparound care for children operates before school, at lunchtimes, in our afterschool clubs and soon in our new provision; The Broadstone Hall Post Learning Hub, starting in September 2019. “The Hub” will provide wrap around care for pupils from 3:15 until 6pm and pupils who already attend one of our clubs can come along after 4:30pm. Details and booking forms are now on our website.
Also we will be introducing a new healthy menu at Breakfast Club for 19/20 where there will be less carbohydrate and fatty foods on offer and more high fibre bread and cereal options as well as fresh fruit, yoghurts and juices. Costs and times will stay the same.
For a full update of all the school's news, be sure to download the newsletter via the school website.