Broadstone HallPrimary School

ON THE FIRST DAY OF CHRISTMAS - we launch our FOB Christmas Raffle!

The first day, of the last month, of the most awful surreal year of our lives. But Christmas will always be Christmas. Covid can't take that away from us....As we speak, Mr. Langley is broadcasting a Christmas assembly streamed to the whole school in their class bubbles...sleigh bells are ringing, children are singing - we are sobbing with joy in the Office. It's just so lovely.

ON THE FIRST DAY OF CHRISTMAS - we launch our FOB Christmas Raffle!

This year, we are selling tickets via ParentPay, £1.00 a ticket and you can buy as many tickets as you like to go into our prize draw for not one, but 2 Christmas raffles!


A Signed Manchester United shirt

We are thrilled that we have a signed Manchester United shirt up for grabs again this year. If you would like a chance to win this, please make sure you buy tickets for the Manchester United raffle.


Christmas hampers

We also have four festive hampers!

The Pamper hamper includes: a voucher for a facial at *Apple of my eye*, a bottle of fizz, baths treats, scented candles, chocolates and festive charades!

The Treat hampers x2 include: a bottle of fizz, 4 Brewdog Hoppy Christmas beers, Schloer, hot chocolate selection, chocolates, fudge, gingerbread hearts, scented candle and festive charades!

Each hamper also includes a less festive handwash and make your own facemask kit!

AND...we are spoiling you here - A chocolate hamper! Full to the brim of Quality Streets, Toblerone, Maltesers Truffles, selection boxes and much much more....

Please go on to Parentpay to buy your tickets - the draw will be on the last day of term 18th December!

You've got to be in it to win it!

Files to Download

Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916