Broadstone HallPrimary School

ON THE 2nd DAY OF CHRISTMAS - Our full Christmas schedule

So it may not be as busy as previous years, but this is what we have coming up in December!

We understand we will be asking for a £1 here and a £1 there but we hope you can still support us as much as possible. Sadly we will be losing out on a lot of fundraising over the Christmas period; normally hosting the Christmas Fair & Secret Santa etc. But given the current climate, the logistics of which are just too difficult.

So please, dig deep and help support Friends of Broadstone!

Tues 1st: Launch of FOB DOUBLE Christmas Raffle (to be drawn on 17th December)

Manchester United Signed Shirt

4 x Luxury Hampers (Tickets £1 - buy as many as you like, available on ParentPay)

Wed 2nd/Fri 4th: Letters home about Christmas party food contributions

On the above date you will receive a letter highlighting what party food item we would like you to bring in & when to bring it (so we don't get 30 of the same thing in one class!) and for reasons of health & safety we must ask that the food brought into school is NUT FREE, shop bought, within expiry date, in sealed packs and not prepared at home.

Friday 11th: CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY!!!!!!!! & Christmas Lunch (for children on hot dinners only)

It is National Christmas Jumper Day! Please pay £1 & wear you wackiest, sparkliest, baubliest Christmas jumper, or t-shirt, or Santa hat – or own clothes. Whatever you feel happy with!

Christmas School Lunch – “Turkey & Tinsel,” will be served to all children currently on school meals. So if you have forward booked your child’s dinners until the end of term, go back on to Lunchhound and change their choice to a Vegetarian or Roast Turkey Christmas dinner!!!!

(Menu is attached to your email)

W/C Mon 14th: FOB Christmas Chocolate Raffle in classrooms

Tickets will be available all week in the class bubbles 25p per ticket/£1 per strip to win a Cadbury’s Selection Box! Draw to be made at the end of the week.

Mon 14th: (EYFS & KS1 only) Christmas stories under the Pagoda WITH A SURPRISE VISIT FROM FATHER CHRISTMAS!!!!!

The children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 will be invited take turns to go outside to the Pagoda for Christmas stories – with a surprise visit from Santa! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Wed 16th: Nursery, Reception & KS1 Party Day – self explanatory

Party clothes & hysteria.

Thurs 17th: KS2 Party Day - repeat

Party clothes & HYSTERIA OVERLOAD!

Fri 18th: DVD Day & Class Christmas Chocolate Draw & FOB Raffle Draw

All clothes, bags, lunchboxes etc to go home and classrooms cleared.

SCHOOL CLOSES FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Files to Download

Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916