NEU Strike Days 5&6
Dear parents/carers,
As you will be aware from media coverage the National Education Union (NEU) has declared further strike action which will happen on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May.
As always, I try to give you as much notice as I can so you can make the necessary arrangements for childcare. On this occasion we will be opening a number of classes as we did during the previous strike. This is largely due to only one teaching union the NEU having a mandate to strike. During this term the NASUWT and the NAHT will re-ballet their members regarding strike action involving all unions. I will keep you updated with any further developments.
Below is a list of classes that will be closed on BOTH Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May and those that will remain open.
Miss Heywood’s class will be closed on Thursday and open on Tuesday.
Miss Kenneally’s class will be open on Thursday and closed on Tuesday.
All other classes will be closed for both days. If your child is in one of the classes listed below that is closed you must make alternative arrangements for your child on this date. We cannot safely have them in school due to staffing numbers.
Classes that are closed
Nursery – Mrs Fraser
Year 1 – Mrs Rothwell
Year 1 – Miss Heywood (Open on Tuesday ONLY)
Year 1/2 – Miss Jessop/Mrs Marshall
Year 2 – Mrs Keane
Year 3 – Miss Amir
Year 3 – Miss Healy
Year 3 – Miss McAllister
Year 4 – Mrs Hudspith/Madame Charles
Year 5 – Miss Kenneally (Open on Thursday ONLY)
Classes that are open
Reception – Mrs Ainscough
Reception – Mrs Worsley
Reception – Mrs Raines
Year 2 – Mrs Burnley
Year 4 – Mrs English
Year 4 – Mrs Duerte (4FM)
Year 5 – Mr Lawson
Year 5 – Mrs Tudor Barry
Year 6 – Mr Bagguley
Year 6 – Miss Hume
Year 6 – Mrs Wager
Boathouse – Mrs Clifford
If you child’s class is open your child is expected to attend school as normal. If your child does not attend school, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence unless they are ill.
If your child is entitled to a free school meal you will be contacted by the school office to arrange collection of a school packed lunch, if required.
Breakfast Club, the Hub and all other after school clubs will be open as normal on this date for those children who are in an open class only. Parents will be refunded any monies they have paid for care on this date if their child’s class is closed.
I would once again like to thank you all for your patience and support during this challenging time. As stated in my previous letters the decision to strike is not something any teacher takes lightly.
Those on strike will have thought long and hard about their decision and will also lose pay for the days that they are on strike. This is our plan for Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May. only. As discussed in my previous letters further strike days may be announced and require a different plan. This will be communicated to you a soon as the information is available to me.
Kind regards,
Mr. M Taylor