Broadstone HallPrimary School

MORE things to remember!

Please remember, don't forget!

***Parents Evenings tonight & Thursday 7th November. Ignore the messages that say you haven't booked an appointment - YOU HAVE! Believe in yourself and your booking abilities!

Appointments will be held:

Nursery, RLE, RJA-BW & RLR-RJEA - in the Nursery Building

ALL other classes - in the Main Hall, entry through the car park

Mr. Langley & Mrs. Rogers will be on hand to direct you in the right direction.

***COME EARLY to view the FOB Book Fair displayed at the back of the Hall. Remember, cash only or you can order over the phone.

***Its the Flu Vaccination tomorrow! From Reception to Year 6 if you have completed the on-line consent form. If not, unfortunately you will need to contact your local doctors. It is a LIVE vaccine spray up the nose, quick and totally painless.

***ALDI Stickers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank-you SO MUCH for all of your support! We have completed 3, yes THREE FULL posters! And ALMOST finished the 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you have any Aldi stickers left around the house then please send them in and hopefully we will have 4 new kits courtesy of all your eating & drinking!

Everyone has been a winner!

Will be in touch if I remember anything else to remember!

Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916