Broadstone HallPrimary School

Introducing our Year 3 and 4 Young Sports Ambassadors

As you may know, we struggled at the end of last term with sports events following through due to other schools having various Covid outbreaks & water logged pitches etc (...hopefully we will have better luck this term! Fingers crossed!)
However, one event that we did manage last year was our Year 3 & 4 Young Sports Ambassadors Conference, where selected children received their training.
So yesterday, we got them active and implementing what they learnt!!!
The Young Ambassadors did a brilliant job setting up, leading and supporting the first day of our Y3/4 basketball dribbling competition. Their confidence, enthusiasm and teamwork was a delight to see ?
The competition will run every Thursday lunchtime until all Y3/4 classes have had a turn.
We should be able to announce the winning class before Spring half-term.
Well done to:
Eva C-S 3DB
Maisie F 4NOH
Dylan H 3FM
Eloise H 3FM
Lizzie L 4SH/JAC
Ethan W 3DB
Benjamin W 4NOH
Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916