IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: SCHOOL DINNER CHARGES (Changes require 2 weeks notice in writing)
Dear All - IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: SCHOOL DINNER CHARGES (Changes require 2 weeks notice in writing)
It has been brought to our attention that a number of children are alternating between school dinners to packed lunches at their own digression without informing the Office.
For this reason we have felt it necessary to introduce a new system that a change to your child’s dinner pattern can only be made IN WRITING 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE. Forms are available at the Office.
Can parents be reminded that the attendance of children eating school dinners is being recorded and you will be charged accordingly.
Please check your ParentPay account to see if you have incurred a debt and contact the Office immediately.
Universal FREE School dinners is Reception up to and including Year 2.
As your child moves up to Year 3, this marks the end of Universal FREE school dinners and you will be charged £2.10 per day/£10.50 per week via ParentPay unless we are notified that your child is moving to packed lunches.
If you think you still entitled to Free School Meals based on your income, then please check your Free School Meals entitlement eligibility through an on-line system which you can access through the council website:
You will need an email address and their NI (or NASS) number in order to proceed. The system will check against the Department for Work & Pensions. The Benefits team will evaluate the claim and send an emailed response to the parent within 3 working days.
Until an application is made and the school is notified by the council of your eligibility, then YOU WILL continue getting charged for school dinners.