Healthy Snacks in school for breaktimes
Dear Parents,
As you know, in KS1 the children get a piece of fruit/veg at morning break as a Government incentive for healthy eating.
Once the children move to KS2 this is no longer offered however, we appreciate the children may still want a morning snack and are more than happy for something to be brought in from home if needed.
However, we must reiterate that this is to be a HEALTHY snack, a piece of fruit, or veg (carrot sticks,) a healthy snack bar (NO NUTS) oatcakes etc. Please can we insist not to send in crisps or chocolate for a morning break snack.
Year 4 - this applies even more so to Year 4 children who are swimming on a Thursday as they are always hungry when they get back to school. In the absence of a snack, we cannot give KS1 fruit, as this is already allocated to KS1 children.
On the same note: Packed Lunches. We are always trying to encourage healthy choices. If this can be reflected in lunches brought from home, we would be grateful.
Thank-you for your co-operation in this matter.