Government Guidance on Critical Worker Places Update 08/01/21
The Government sent new guidance out last week about the criteria for the qualification of parents as critical workers. However, due to the fact than nationally, many more parents applied for places as critical workers than the lockdown in March 2020, this was updated on Friday evening. I have coped and pasted the paragraph from the new guidance below.
Critical workers
Parents whose work is critical to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and EU transition response include those who work in health and social care and in other key sectors. Children with at least one parent or carer who is a critical worker can go to school or college if required, but parents and carers should keep their children at home if they can.
Due to the numbers of children currently in school despite the lockdown, there is still an increased risk to children and staff of infection and illness from the new Covid strain. I would again ask all of you to reconsider any possible alternative to your child taking up their critical worker place if possible.
Our pupil numbers today are 110 pupils, which are currently spread across 7 classrooms. This now equates to just over 20% of our usual school population but it is 5 times more pupils than were regularly in school during the first lockdown in March 2020.
As you will know, the government and health experts have told us that the new strain of the virus is spreading across the country and is 50-70% more infectious than the initial Covid 19. This means that even with reduced numbers in school, we are still highly likely to have positive cases, which will result in children and staff having to be sent home to isolate for 10 days at a time as well as the possibility of serious illness.
I understand that this letter has been a little negative and I apologise. However, I am trying to ensure the safety of everyone in our school community by reducing contacts and supporting the government message which is to “stay at home,” if at all possible and remain safe.
If you decide that you no longer need your critical worker place please contact the school office as soon as you can.
Many thanks,
Simon Langley,