FULL Hot Food Winter Menu starting 9th November NOW AVAILABLE TO BOOK!
Just to let you know that the NEW! Winter menu is now on the school website and available to book via Lunchhound. If you go to the main school website and look under the header Parents ---> School Dinner Menus. It will go on a 3 weekly rotation starting with Week 1 on the 9th November.
We are now offering a FULL HOT FOOD MENU delivered and eaten in the classrooms with their peers eating packed lunches. We will no longer be offering sandwiches as an option on the school winter menu.
The full menu is available for you to view on your emails & the website. Please make sure you have informed the school if you want to change your child's meal pattern from School Meals to Homemade Packed Lunches or visa versa. If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 you are automatically entitled to UNIVERSAL Free School Meals. If your child is in Nursery or Year 3, 4, 5, 6 and you have to have applied for FREE School Meals based on your income for you to be entitled to free school meals. if you are not, you will be charged £2.10 per meal/£10.50 per week.