FOB FUN FACTOR - Save the dates!!!!!
The weather is getting nicer, the clocks are going forward on Sunday; SPRING IS COMING – and it’s time to crank up the FOB FUN FACTOR!!!! Oh yes!
Next week:
Friday 31st March CRAZY/BAD HAIR DAY!
We are happy to announce on the last day of term you can wear your hair in any crazy style, colour or with adornments (!!!) extra kudos if you can make it Easter related! Please still wear school uniform on this day.
All we ask in return is donations of soft drinks (bottles/cans/cordial), and tuck shop items such as individual packed snacks; crisps, biscuits, that can be resold at our……..
Thursday 20th April FAMILY QUIZ NIGHT
Back by popular demand, but this time we are making it a family affair! Which is why we want to have a fully stocked Tuck Shop at the event!
More details to follow after the Easter holidays.
If you want to get involved in any of our FOB planning don’t forget:
Wednesday 29th March 6-6.45pm FOB MEETING
And of course, Tuesday 28th March midnight FOB EASTER RAFFLE closes
tickets still available to buy via ParentPay and the prize list just keeps growing ?
Go get your tickets NOW!