Broadstone HallPrimary School

Family P.E Challenge - for ALL, not just home learners!!!

The weather is grim and the gyms are closed but we would like to invite you all to get up off the sofa, step away from your home office for a short time and "Wind Your Way To Wembley - Family Challenge 2021!"


We would like you to take part in physical activity as a family over the next few months and by recording the amount of family physical activity you do.You will race against other families to see who can travel around Europe.

You will receive a poster of the map showing different stations all around Europe to record your progress.

Every time you complete half an hour of physical activity as a family, you achieve 1 station on the map and can mark these off until you have travelledall across Europe.

All families completing the race will receive an award and top 3 families will receive extra prizes of sporting equipment and prizes from Life Leisure.

More details will be given on entry.


Email [email protected] with the following information: ages of the children in the family & the schools they attend

Then we will email you the resources - a copy of the map to stick up at your home and the recording sheet for you to record your physical activity eventson, to prove your journey.

As soon as you have completed your Wind your way to Wembley Family Challenge, send us record sheet of activities to claim your reward! Tweet/insta photos of your journey to show us your family fun!

Your family physical activity must be done over a period of months, include a variety of activities and not just completed on an activity holiday.

The deadline to finish is Wednesday 30th June

Files to Download

Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916