EVENTS DIARY; Please remember don't forget!
t's a beautiful autumnal day & we have a busy week ahead!
MONDAY: Parents School Priorites Meeting 21/22 @ 6pm
The parents’ meeting in the Hall tonight will consist of Mr. Langley going through the school’s new recovery curriculum offer outlining the school priorities for 2021/22; outlining our plans for the upcoming school academic year, reviewing the parental feedback from the summer and answering any questions parents may have. Please come along to be fully informed.
WEDNESDAY: Individual School Photo Day @ 9-1pm
We like to get this in early in the term while faces are fresh, uniform new & haircuts trim ;-)
All you need is a smile! Information on how to purchase will be sent home!
THURSDAY: FOB Autumn Garden Party @ 5.30-7.30pm
The social event of the year & our first one back since 2019! So come along, have a drink, something to eat & join in the fun!
All funds raised go to towards essential equipment, educational experiences and rewarding tools to enrich the educational journeys of all the pupils Broadstone Hall.
FRIDAY: European Languages Day @ ALL DAY
Its like Eurovision, only with Japan, Mexico & China. Don't overthink it. It's just a bit of fun to enhance the children's learning. Dress up in the country's traditional dress, or colours of the flag. Enjoy!