Don't forget it is the FOB Fun Afternoon tomorrow 14th July 1.30 - 3pm!!
Don't forget it is the FOB Fun Afternoon tomorrow 14th July 1.30 - 3pm!!
Things you need to remember:
1. If you haven't already, send £1 in with your child to school tomorrow. Children won't need more than this to spend on the various stalls. Do not send MORE money if you have already sent in a £1. The money already received will get redistributed back to YOUR child tomorrow so that they have spends for the afternoon.
The reason for this is should we have bad weather and move the Fun Afternoon into the Hall, there will be no access for parents due to space restrictions - but the children will all already have their allocated money to spend!
2. PLEASE SEND IN CAKE DONATIONS!! Any kind will be greatly received - homemade, shop bought, individually wrapped...what ever takes your fancy!
3. Come and fun supporting one of our favourite FOB events of the Summer!!!
4. Oh. Pray for good weather! :-)
Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! And thank-you for your continued support.