Class Photo Day TOMORROW!
Dear All,
First of all, welcome back to Summer 2 half term! No time to relax though, we have lots to get through. Please refer to the Dates List on the website for all activities & trips coming up!
Class Photo Day tomorrow! We appreciate your previous feedback regarding class photos and we try our best to take your ideas on-board. However, I hope you can understand with over 500 students we cannot always please everyone - as much as we try :-)
So...this year (weather dependent) photos will be taken outside, in a casual/not "too dated" manner, but most importantly they will be 10 x 7 so that they fit in a frame and at a discounted promotional price of £6.00.
I hope this covers all bases.
Year 6 Parents - Yr 6 Leavers Group Photographs will be taken tomorrow. PLEASE please please try & make sure your child is in school so they don't miss out.
Year 4 Parents – Yr 4 Class Photos will be taken BEFORE your child goes swimming, so do not worry.
Please ensure full, clean uniform & beautiful smiles are worn :-)