Changes to Wrap Around Care at Broadstone Hall
14th June 2019
Broadstone Hall Primary School
Changes to Wrap Around Care at Broadstone Hall
from September 2019
Dear Parents,
Following a review of the after school child care provision at Broadstone Hall, I have made the decision to extend our after school club provision and wrap around care from September 2019. This decision has been made in consultation with the governors and is aligned to feedback received from parents and children from the recent survey that we sent out last half term.
I am currently finalising options for the next school year and will be issuing a further update at the beginning of July. I would like to assure parents that I am committed to providing after school care at Broadstone Hall, going forwards in conjunction with the range of clubs and activities that we currently have on offer.
This will include an additional Broadstone Hall provision (Post Learning Hub) available every day for children from reception age upwards, which will finish at 6pm rather than 4:30pm, where a wide range of activities will be available. Children who attend clubs that end at 4:30pm will also be able to participate after their clubs have finished.
Please keep your eyes open for exciting updates on the school website in July.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Langley,
Broadstone Hall Primary School