Broadstone HallPrimary School

Changes to Lunchtimes

Just to clarify, I have made some changes to lunchtime from Monday that I wanted to share them with you. 
Starting Monday KS2 will have a 45 minute lunch break rather than an hour.  This will allow:
LKS2 (Years 3 & 4) 20minutes to eat & 25minutes outside.
UKS2 (Years 5 & 6) 15minutes to eat & 30minutes outside.
EYFS & KS1 will keep the hour as the children take much longer to eat their lunch.
Recently lunchtimes have been a problematic due to Key Stage 2 children only taking 15 minutes to eat their lunch then causing problems because they are bored. 
Year 5 and 6 staff have been very supportive collecting their children early and this has made a difference.  However the children are still sitting waiting for 10 minutes after they have finished eating.
Therefore we are hoping by reducing time in the Dinner Hall will elimate any disruptive behaviour. Children will always be encouraged to finished their lunch before going outside to play.
This is a work in progress & is being assessed by the Senior Leadership team on a daily basis to see what works for the best.
This is a small part of a much bigger picture moving school forward, I believe this is possible if we all work together to achieve the best for all our children.
Kindest regards
Mr. Taylor
Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD