Broadstone Hall Primary School - Making School Safer
So previously, Mr. Langley has referred to The 9 Control Measures. The Government have advised schools to put in place 9 Control Measures to reduce the risk of contracting Covid-19. A full risk assessment has been carried out, with the advice of Health and Safety Professional and below are the key points.
- Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell
- All members of our school community (children, parents, staff and visitors) are asked to stay at home if they have symptoms and get tested
- Parents are asked to collect children immediately if their child shows symptoms
- Anyone showing symptoms during the day must to go home, get tested and isolate until their results are confirmed
- All members of the school community (children, parents, staff and visitors) to follow Government Advice following a positive test result or having symptoms
- Clean hands more thoroughly than usual
- Hand washing will be a routine measure throughout the day for all people in School
- Children will be asked to wash hands on entry to school, before and after playing outside, before and after eating, after using the toilet
- Areas such as the Library and the ICT suite will not be used in September
- Frequently used resources will be cleaned between different groups of children
- Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
- Tissues and lidded-bins will be available in all rooms
- Children will be helped by staff to practise using these correctly
- Use of the outdoor area will be encouraged
- Visitors can choose to wear face coverings
4. Introduce enhanced cleaning - Increased cleaning throughout the school, especially between groups
- Frequently touched surfaces being cleaned more often than normal – e.g. light switches, photocopier, door handles
- Allocated toilets for specific groups of children
5. Minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible
- Parents to drop off and collect children from specific areas on the site, socially distanced for their child to be sent out to them
- Only one parent / carer to drop off and collect whenever possible
- Staff to move between groups as little as possible
- Play times and lunchtimes staggered and playground split into zones
6. Where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
- When staff carry out intimate care for children they will be able to wear PPE if required
- If a child has a suspected case of covid 19, staff attending to them will wear PPE
- Supplies of PPE will be readily available
7. Engage with the NHS Test and Trace process
- Parents, carers and staff must be willing to use the Test and Trace Process
- This involves taking a test, sharing contacts and isolating, in line with Government advice
8. Manage confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the school community
- Local Health Protection Teams will advise the Nursery if there is a confirmed case
- This may involve sending staff and children home who have been in contact with the confirmed case
9. Contain any outbreak by following local Health Protection Team advice
- If school has two or more confirmed cases or there is an overall rise in sickness the Health Protection Team will advise on the action to be followed
- This could include: large numbers of children being asked to self-isolate, whole groups or the whole of the school
- School will also close if there is a regional or national lockdown