Book Fair on Parents Evenings
Good Morning! And a happy Friday to you all 😊
You may have received a Book Fair flyer yesterday. This has been sent out slightly prematurely, so let me shed some light for you all of a wonderful event organised by FOB.
At the next Parents' Evenings there will be a Book Fair available for parents and children to purchase books from. The company that run this are called Scholastic and they provide books in the form of book shelves on wheels, so that schools can do a book sale. We will be getting 3 of these mobile book units that will be available to you on Parents Evenings Wednesday 20th March (1/2LJ ONLY) Thursday 21st March & Tuesday 26th March.
In the week running up to the first Parents' Evenings, the teachers will take their class to visit the Book Fair. Then, hopefully, the children will come home and tell Mum and Dad all about it, initiating you to bring your pennies to Parents' Evening to buy the book your child have spied during their class browse!
Now, THE BEST BIT - FOB will get about 60% of the sales made from the fair back in book credits, then we can buy some shiny, new books for school. Yay!!!!!!
More information will follow nearer the time.
So please, support your Book Fair on Parents Evening! And look out for the flyers in your child's school bag!