Broadstone HallPrimary School

Autumn Term starts Tuesday 4th September 8.55am

Dear All,

With Great British Bake Off & XFactor back on our TVs, it can only mean one thing - Autumn is coming!!!!


- No school tomorrow, Monday 3rd September - it is an Inset Day! Cancel the alarm clock!


- Back to school Tuesday 4th September 8.55am, Breakfast Club opens 8.00am.

- Full uniform and P.E kits sent back to school.

- ALL Afterschool Clubs start this week!!!!! Don't worry, if you haven't already, these are still available to sign up for via ParentPay. The deadline will be this Friday 7th September at 4.30pm. After this time you will need to wait till next half term.

- BREAKFAST CLUB charges will be increasing to £2.50 per session this term. Breakfast Club is now a completely CASHLESS service. If you would like your child to attend then please TOP UP their account via ParentPay. This can be done in multiples of £12.50 blocks (1 week/5 sessions) but can be used ad hoc and £2.50 deducted from their fund every time they attend.

- If your child is moving up from Infants to Juniors, this marks the end of their "Universal" Free School Meals entitlement. School dinners will now be chargeable at £2.10 per meal or £10.50 per week. These, similar to Breakfast Club, can be paid in advance via ParentPay. IF YOUR CHILD IS MOVING ONTO PACKED LUNCHES, PLEASE INFORM THE OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO AVOID INCURRING ANY UNNECESSARY SCHOOL DINNER PAYMENTS. Should you feel that your child is still eligible for Free School Meals then please check your eligibility and apply via the website.

Look forward to seeing you all bright and early Tuesday morning - we hope you have all had a lovely summer holiday.

Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916