ALL Afterschool Clubs Autumn (2) explained
Primary Sports Coaching (PSCL) clubs: (All Sports related clubs)
Priority bookings will open on Thursday 13th October at 7am online
The booking page will be password protected & priority is given for children to rebook into the same afterschool clubs they attended in Autumn 1.
The Password will be sent out via our Coordinate system (Check SPAM/JUNK box) on Wednesday 12th October to everyone that attended clubs in Autumn 1.
At this point booking will only open for children that attended clubs in Autumn 1.
Do not add any additional clubs to your booking before Monday 17th as these will be cancelled.
The password will be taken off the system on Monday 17th October at 7pm and then any remaining spaces open to new children to join.
***Monday Year 5 & 6 football club will not run in Autumn 2***
Broadstone Hall run clubs: (Y2-6 Choir, KS1 Lego Club & KS2 Choir)
NOTE: Y2-6 Choir has moved to Monday after school
These clubs will go live alongside the PSCL Clubs on Monday 17th October at 4.30pm. Payable via ParentPay.
Broadstone Hall teams (Girls/Boys Football Team, Boys Basketball, Girls Netball & Wednesday NO BARRIERS Club) Places will roll over and continue free of charge.
If you are entitled to Pupil Premium funding (triggered by FSM application) and would like a place on any of the afterschool clubs, you MUST complete the attached Manual Consent Form & submit it to the Office to be granted a place.