Access to Breakfast Club and collection from The HUB after school
Dear All,
In the interest of our children's safety, we have now introduced a buzzer door system to gain entry in to Breakfast Club in the mornings and collection from The HUB after school.
This will be put in place from Monday 23rd September.
Mr. Langley or another member of staff will continue to be present at the Breakfast Club door (Bollington Road entrance) at 8am for the bulk of children who arrive punctually at this time.
Afterwhich, the door will be closed and locked and entry will only be gained (and exit made) with the approval of a member of staff, rather than leaving the door open.
Breakfast Club will continue to remain open for entry until 8.30am.
If you could ensure when dropping off at Breakfast Club you can see (from your car/road) that your child has entered the building successfully before driving off.
Thank-you for your continued co-operation in keeping all our children safe.