A message from the Headteacher regarding FOB
Dear All,
As most of you know Friends of Broadstone (FOB) is the PTA group for school.
FOB has had a couple of very successful years organising fun activities for the children and raising around £10,000 per academic year. As always, thank you for your ongoing support of these events. The funding FOB raises has become increasingly important for school in light of current financial pressures. In recent times FOB has purchased a whole school handwriting scheme, dining room tables, maintained playground equipment, and is in the process of organising the outdoor classroom canopy.
The current chair, TA Heather Young, has decided to step down after two years of very hard work in April 2019.
FOB is struggling for new volunteers and helpers. FOB had hoped that the parent Class Rep idea, as is run in other schools, would help to generate some new interest but sadly there was not one volunteer for any class in school. As such, without volunteers, FOB is deciding whether it can continue to run events such as the Christmas fair and summer fair - and consequently lose the income these events generate. If you think that you could grab a couple of mates and run a stall at the Christmas fair, or help collect money on the night of the disco – and show the kids a bit of dad dancing (!), or wrap presents for Secret Santa (you can even take a bag of presents home and wrap in front of the telly), the PLEASE let FOB know.
Come into the Office and they will pass your name onto Heather, or contact FOB via the Facebook page.
Thank-you for your support