Broadstone HallPrimary School



Dear Parents and Carers,

Can I start by wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  As I near the end of my first year as Headteacher at Broadstone Hall I thought I would write to you to highlight and celebrate the progress I feel we have made since last January.

Broadstone Hall is a community school and I believe we have worked hard over the past twelve months to reinstate Broadstone Hall Primary back at the heart of our community.  Through our behaviour blueprint and fantastic support from parents and the wider community we have brought a family feel to our large school. Yesterday, we enjoyed Christmas dinner as one large family serving over 500 Christmas lunches.  The children all loved eating together and sharing this annual event on a grand scale.  This tells me that the changes we have made to our ethos and values are really starting to shine through.  The beating heart of our community is the children and as I said in my first letter last January, all our children at Broadstone Hall are amazing and are a credit to us all. 

We have worked hard to develop our school environment and I hope you will agree that the changes made have had a huge impact across school.  The classrooms are much brighter and less cluttered to make them calming environments to enjoy learning.  The external doors make such a difference to the start and end of the day and allow children to be dropped off and collected in a much calmer way.  The new school library and large investment in books, supported by our Friends of Broadstone, have made a significant impact in the children’s love of reading.  Finally, the newly refurbished Nursery and Boat House enhance the provision we are able to offer all our children. 

Hopefully you will have noticed that the children are being provided with lots of opportunities outside the classroom to enhance our curriculum offer.  These trips and visits all enrich our curriculum and engage children in learning that is fun.  During the past term all children have had the opportunity to see a live performance.   Reception to Year 4 (367 children) have had the opportunity to go and visit a theatre to see a live performance.  Year 5 and 6 (138 children) have had the opportunity to watch a live performance that visited school.  This offer will continue to grow for all children across school.  I would once again like to thank our Friends of Broadstone for all the money they continue to provide to subsidise these trips which make them affordable for all. 

As you all know we were inspected in September and have been graded a “GOOD” school by OFSTED.  As a new Headteacher the following two responses from the parent questionnaire highlighted for me we are heading in the right direction:

  • Is your child happy at this school? - 99% of responses agreed
  • Would you recommend this school to another parent? – 98% of responses said yes

As I hope you all know I appreciate all your feedback and will make changes where and when necessary so we can continually improve our school.

Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to all my staff.   Through their dedication to your children and all their hard work, they make my vision a reality.  Without them, none of what we have achieved would be possible.   The Broadstone Team are fantastic and pride themselves on making a difference to your child. 

Hope you have a fantastic Christmas!

Mr M Taylor

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Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916