26th March Coronavirus Update
Dear All,
First of all let us just say - YOU ARE ALL DOING A GREAT JOB! Keyworkers and parents alike - we are all in this together. We thank every single one of you for doing own bit, no matter how big or how small you think your contribution is - we will beat this together.
We have been able to work with the council and now Free School Meals will now be issued to those on the FSM register in the form of Meal Vouchers - thank-you to our Finance team for organising that. You will need a valid email address for the voucher to be sent to, so please make sure we have that on file. If you are unsure, please email [email protected] and we can check that for you.
Please continue to check the website for daily fun activities to do at home - but please do not stress about home schooling. Play lego, do some drawing, baking, anything. We are not all teachers. But we are parents. All you have to do at this crucial time is parent - if you manage a bit of reading or a little bit of Maths, then that is an added bonus.
We will continue to be doing quick welfare check-in calls over the coming weeks. If you miss a call, then please just acknowledge it with an email or a call back.
If you need to contact us and cannot get hold of anyone on the school number then please email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
MOST IMPORTANTLY - #StayhomeSaveLives